Braces use a metal bracket and wire system, sometimes combined with elastic loops, to gradually move your teeth into the desired position over time. The wire plays an integral role in effectively moving and positioning the teeth, but can often be a source of bewilderment for patients undergoing the treatment.
As you go through treatment, you may notice that the wires are regularly changed. This isn’t just a figment of your imagination. As you near the end of your braces treatment, your wire will actually be significantly thicker than the wires that were used throughout the majority of your treatment. To understand what a thicker wire for braces is used for, it helps to get an overall picture of the three stages of orthodontic treatment and what your braces are accomplishing at each one.
This first stage is when you will notice the most drastic changes to your smile. This is the stage that literally lines up the teeth into neat, straight rows. This stage isn’t aiming to correct any other imperfection, so your teeth may still stick forward or fail to align properly when you bite or chew. However, you’ll already feel much more confident in the way your smile looks through this first stage of treatment.
Stage two is when your braces start to fix the gaps between your teeth. Because this requires more force, your wire will start to become thicker. This will keep your teeth upright and straight so they don’t move backwards or into any other awkward position.
In the final stage of treatment, your wires are going to be thick so the movements are finished to precision. Your orthodontist may need to reposition some brackets or use power chains to finish correcting your smile. The result will be a beautiful, straight smile that looks natural and functions properly.
If you think you need braces, talk to one of the team at Fine Orthodontist Queenstown about your treatment options.
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